Thursday, March 27, 2008

Haiku of the Month (March 2008)

I've lately been inspired by an ancient Japanese poetry form called haiku. Purists may disagree with me, but it is basically unrhymed verse with a three-line, syllabic format. There are five syllables in the first line, seven in the second, and five in the third. Usually there is a break after the first or second line.

With that explanation, I suppose it's time to unleash my latest haiku on the unsuspecting online world. The two poems I'll share today have multiple stanzas which may not be according to the haiku rules (I've never seen haiku with more than one stanza). However, they are all original and you can only find them here. Ready?

My First Haiku

Haiku poetry
An easy way to write verse
For those who can’t rhyme.

Haiku poetry
Am I composing this right?
Five, seven, five, yes?

Haiku poetry
I could do this all day long
Too bad I have bills.

And here's one I wrote for Sunny in a similar moment of inspiration...

Sunny Kim

I love Sunny Kim
Cheerful, kind, attractive, and
Committed to God.

The weather is bright
And the sky is not smoggy
When Sunny is here.

Piano, cello
Guitar, flute, and radio
Sunny plays all these.

Here is a famous example by John Cooper Clarke:

To express oneself
In seventeen syllables
Is very diffic

Now that you have an idea of the possibilities of haiku, leave me a poetic comment, if you dare. I will try to write a haiku for you every month. And if you don't like my haiku, there's always this site!

Sunday, March 16, 2008

An Engaging Update

Before I begin, I want to say THANK YOU to all of you who have either commented on this blog or spoken your congratulations in person. Sunny and I have truly been blessed by the overwhelming love and support from all of our friends and family. Many of you have told us that you have been praying specifically for us over the past few years. What a privilege it is to have such prayer warriors as friends!

As the wedding planning commences, I have put together a photo album from the proposal day. I also uploaded a post-proposal video on Youtube. Hope it helps you get a better idea of what the day was like! Click here for the pictures and see below for the video.

And finally for some wedding news...

Date: July 20, 2008
Location: Loma Linda University Church
Reception: Wong Kerlee Conference Center

We hope to have a wedding website up soon so stay tuned!!