Friday, May 27, 2005

Blog Beginnings

Today is the first day that I shall start my blog.

To be honest, I'm not completely sure what this will evolve into. Right now it is a news service for those who want to hear about what I'm up to. It's also a place to wax eloquent about my theories of life and God. There are no guarantees that I will blog often although I apologize profusely in advance for any extraordinarily long stretches of silence. Of course, for a while, I may be the only one reading this since my new website has a grand total of 90 hits and 90% of those were from me.

To be completely honest, I am also way too busy to be owning and operating a blog. However, I do love to write and blogging software is a good excuse to practice my writing. I'm also thinking that a blog could be a witness for Christ and that it may encourage you in some way in your Christian walk.

So on that note, I dedicate this blog to Jesus Christ, who has done much more for me than I'll ever be able to give back so I give back what I have, my will. (If you don't know what I mean, read Steps to Christ.)